Canopy Toolkit
for Bilingual Healthcare Communication
Download the kit
Canopy is here to help make sure your staff have the foreign-language skills to communicate effectively with patients. The Canopy Toolkit is a detailed 29-page guide to support your organization’s multilingual learning and assessment efforts. It has been developed based on best practices in language learning science and dozens of in-depth interviews with healthcare administrators, clinicians, and educators. In it you’ll find resources such as:
Canopy’s Inventory of Essential Skills for Bilingual Healthcare Communication
Canopy’s Pedagogy: Authentic Context Tutoring (ACT)
CanopyLearn Curriculum
Canopy’s Scale for Bilingual Proficiency in Healthcare Communication
CanopyCredential Self-Assessment and Scorecard
Alignment of Canopy Scale with other Proficiency Scales
Canopy’s Can-Do Statements for Bilingual Healthcare Communication
Canopy’s Guide for Determining the Qualified Bilingual Staff (QBS) Credential at Your Facility